Feeding Problems & Gastrointestinal
Most feeding problems and digestive disorders in newborns is not a serious problem and often disappear spontaneously or can be mitigated by the changes in feeding patterns.
Regurgitation and vomiting
Babies often spit (spit, regurgitation) small amounts of milk when or after feeding, often accompanied by belching. This is normal.
Sometimes regurgitation caused by drinking too fast and swallow air.
Very much regurgitation can result from feeding too much.
If milk is given through a bottle, regurgitation can be reduced by using a dot that is harder and smaller holes.
More often menyendawakan baby during breastfeeding can also help, both in infants fed with breast milk or a milk bottle.
Spew large amounts of milk may reveal an abnormality.
Vomiting that occurs repeatedly radiating may reveal narrowing or blockage in the stomach hole (stenosis pilorika).
Blockage in the small intestine which causes vomiting greenish.
Galactosemia can also cause vomiting.
Vomiting accompanied by fever may be caused by infection.
Poor feeding
Babies who get enough food to eat normally after the administration will be quiet or asleep. If feeding less, then 1-2 hours after feeding, the baby will stay awake and restless, apparently still hungry.
In infants aged less than four months, weight gain of less than 200 grams / week were low / less, and may reveal a lack of feeding.
Excessive feeding
Obesity later in life sometimes starts from excessive feeding in infancy. Obesity also involve heredity. The chances of obesity in infants who his parents are also obese amounted to 80%.
If the weight gain too fast (based on standard growth charts), then it should be controlling the speed of weight gain.
Newborns usually do defecate as much as 4-6 times / day. Infants who received breast milk tend to frequently issue frothy stool, especially if it did not get solid food.
That need attention is if the baby has a bad appetite, vomiting, weight decreased, not increased weight or stool containing blood.
Bacterial or viral infections can cause severe diarrhea. Acute Diarrhea most often byi disebakan by infection.
- Mild diarrhea that lasted for weeks or months may be caused by celiac disease: a hereditary disease, which gluten (protein in wheat) causes an allergic reaction occur in the lining of the intestine so that absorption of fat became ugly.
Celiac disease causes malnutrition, poor appetite and foul-smelling stools are pale.
To cope with this disease, patients should not consume any kind of wheat.
Cystic Fibrosis : a hereditary disease, which occurs several organ dysfunction, including the pancreas.
Pancreas does not produce a sufficient number of enzymes to digest proteins and fats. Without the appropriate digestive enzymes, the body will waste a lot of protein and fat in the stool, resulting in malnutrition and growth restriction. Stool is very large and smelly.
To treat pancreatic extracts given.
-Malabsorbsi sugar, occurs in infants who experience shortages of certain intestinal enzymes to digest certain sugars, such as the enzyme lactase to digest lactose.
Intestinal infection caused a temporary shortage of the enzyme, whereas the enzyme deficiency hereditary disease which causes permanent.
This situation can be overcome by not eating sugar.
- Allergies milk sometimes causes diarrhea, vomiting and blood in the stool. The symptoms will disappear if the milk formula was replaced by soy milk. But some babies are allergic to formula milk are also allergic to soya milk. Babies are almost never allergic to breastmilk.
Anus in babies aged less than three months may be narrow, so that the baby must be straining and stool comes out very thin.
This can be overcome by expanding the anus with your fingers as much as 1-2 times / hair.
Stools that could tear the lining of the anus (anal fissures), so when defecation pain and the possibility will arise in the stool will have a small amount of bright red blood.
The existence of fissures can be seen on examination anoskopi. Without special treatment, fissures will be better soon. Can also be given a mild stool softener.
Severe constipation persist, particularly if it starts before the baby reaches the age of one month, could indicate a serious disorder. Eg Hirschsprung's disease (neurological disorders are accompanied by large intestine) or an underactive thyroid gland.
Sucrose Main Causes of Child Dental porous
Foods that contain sucrose or sugar cane is the main cause of your child's teeth easier porous then it is advisable to always maintain the cleanliness of the teeth from food debris.
Assistant Manager of Community Services Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), University of Indonesia, Drg. Peter Andreas, M. Kes said the sucrose content is easy to become acidic as the growth of germs.
According to him, so that your child's teeth stay healthy and not easy to brush your teeth porous least twice a day, ie after breakfast and before bedtime.
Peter hoped, do not let toddlers drink milk bottle while sleeping, because your mouth will become acidic and as a nest of germs that cause tooth easily rusted. It's okay to eat candy but the kids keep dental hygiene must be maintained.
As a substitute for sucrose in candy or other foods, he said, can be given a natural sweetener substitute for regular sugar found in fruits and vegetables.
He said that oral health care for teeth and gums at an early age is very important. The mouth is one source of initial entry of bacteria and germs that can disrupt the body's health.
"To maintain the health of the whole body, must be preceded by maintaining oral health, including teeth and gums," he said.
During this time, he said, paying less attention to public health of the child's milk teeth, because it assumes will be shifted gears.
According to him, caring for baby teeth is very important because if the milk tooth is damaged it will disrupt the activity of the child.
Respiratory distress syndrome (Hyaline Membrane Disease)

Intensive Respiratory Syndrome (previously called hyaline membrane disease) is a state where the air sacs (alveoli) in the baby's lungs could not be kept open because of the high surface tension caused by surfactant deficiency.
So the baby can breathe freely, after birth, the alveoli must remain open and filled with air. Alveoli could be wide open because the existence of a substance called surfactant.
Surfactant is produced by cells in alveoli and surface tension lowering function. Surfactant is produced by the mature lung, ie at 34-37 weeks of pregnancy.
Acute respiratory syndrome almost always occurs in premature infants, the more premature, the greater the likelihood of this syndrome.
Acute respiratory syndrome also tend to be mostly found in infants whose mothers had diabetes.
Very premature babies may not be able to start the process of respiration because without lung surfactant becomes very stiff. Larger babies can begin the process of respiration, because the lungs but tend to collapse, then there was severe respiratory syndrome.
Symptoms include:
- Takipneu (breathing fast)
- Unusual respiratory movements (intercostal retraction, when the air inhaled, the chest wall muscles are interested)
- His breath is short and when the sound of snoring breath
- Nostrils inflate
- Apneu
- Cyanosis (skin and mucous membrane color was blue)
- Edema (swelling of the leg or arm).
The diagnosis is based on:
- Results of physical examination
- Results of blood gas analysis (indicating low oxygen levels and acidosis)
- Chest X-ray
- Lung function test results.
- Complications: Pneumothorax.
The lungs are very stiff and needed to develop more pressure from the baby and the ventilator. As a result of lung rupture so that air can seep into the chest cavity. This air causes the lung to collapse and the occurrence of ventilation and circulation disorders.
Lung collapse (pneumothorax) requiring immediate treatment, namely in the form of spending air from the chest with the help of a needle
- Bleeding in the brain.
The risk of bleeding is reduced if corticosteroids before delivery has been given to the mother.
The risk of severe respiratory syndrome could be reduced if labor can be delayed until the baby's lungs have been able to produce sufficient amounts of surfactant.
If preterm labor is likely to occur, then performed amniocentesis to determine levels of surfactant.
If it is estimated that the baby's lungs have not matured and labor can not be postponed, then corticosteroids given to mothers at least 24 hours before the estimated time of delivery.
Corticosteroids will pass through the placenta and stimulate the formation of surfactant by the fetal lung.
After childbirth, the baby who suffered a mild syndrome only need to be given oxygen. In the more severe syndrome may need to be supported by a ventilator and surfactant drug.
Quaternary ammonium surfactant drug closely resemble the original and can be dropped directly into the baby's trachea through a hose.
These drugs can improve survival rate by reducing the weight of baby syndrome and the risk of complications.
To prevent the syndrome in very premature infants, surfactant drug can be given immediately after the baby is born or given away when the signs of the symptoms started to appear.
Treatment can be continued for several days until the baby starts to produce their own surfactant.
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